Editing previous response:
10th, 11th and 12th graders are participate in the Bayou Acadmy Beauty Review that will be held on
March 28th 6:00 PM in the school gym.
The cost to participate is $25 per student.
The DEADLINE to sign up and pay is Thursday, March 6th.
Please contact Christie Rocconi with questions at [email protected]
There will be a $10 entry fee at the door.
There are TWO payment options below. Option 1 is to pay online. This option will charge you a small convenience fee. The school does not control or benefit from this fee.
If you wish to avoid this fee, you may use Option 2 to send your payment to the school. If you choose this option, please make sure to clearly mark your payment with your child's name and that it's payment for the Beauty Review.
Option ONE: Pay Online
Option TWO: Pay at School
Participation details will be shared after registration.
No student participant may check out of school before 11:30 AM on the day of this event.
By submitting this form, parent(s) named above agree to this student's participation in this event.