🆕 Announcements 🆕
- Monday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Annual Meeting
- 6:00 PM in Cafeteria
- Softball Try-out Registration OPEN
- Extra Yearbooks NOW FOR SALE!
- Want more than the 1 yearbook already included in your fees? Order now through THIS FRIDAY!
- Golf @ Washington School
- Greenville Golf & Country Club
- Tennis @ Grenada High School
- Matches begin at 3:30 PM
- Varsity Baseball @ Delta State vs. Cleveland Central
- 6:00 PM - A Team ONLY
- Tuesday
- Secondary: WHITE
- JH Baseball @ North Delta
- Games at 4:00 PM & 6:00 PM
- Varsity Baseball @ Hartfield Academy
- Games at 4:00 PM & 6:00 PM
- Cheer Clinic
- JV - 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM
- V - 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
- Wednesday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Sign up for our Easter Egg Hunt
- K3 - 3rd Grade
- CANCELLED Track Meet @ Washington School
- Schedules in links below (or to the side on mobile devices)
- Cheer Clinic
- JV - 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM
- V - 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
- Thursday
- Secondary: WHITE
- End of 3rd Quarter
- Last Day to Sign-up for Beauty Review
- 1/2 Day - Early Dismissal at 11:30 AM
- School-wide early dismissal
- Afterschool Available (bring sack lunch)
- Winter Sports Awards
- 8:15 AM in BA Gym
- Boys Soccer, Basketball, Pom, Cheer
- JH Baseball @ Magnolia Heights
- Games at 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM
- Cheer Tryouts
- Girls trying out for Junior Varsity cannot checkout before 10:00 AM. Girls trying out for Varsity cannot checkout before 11:30 AM.
- JV - Check-in at 12:30 PM
- V - Check-in at 3:00 PM
- Results will be posted on the BA Website and e-mailed out and posted on social media outlets when finalized.
- Friday
- Secondary: NO SCHOOL
- Students do NOT report to campus
- LAST DAY to Order Extra Yearbooks
- Golf @ Magnolia Heights
- Back Acres Country Club, Senatobia, MS.
- Varsity Baseball @ North Delta
- Games at 3:00 PM & 5:00 PM (times were previously 4&6!)
- Saturday
- JH Baseball vs. Delta Academy
- Games at 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM
- Varsity Baseball @ Marshall Academy
- Games at 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM
- JH Baseball vs. Delta Academy
- Looking Ahead:
- 03/10-14 - Spring Break, NO SCHOOL
- 03/17 - Drawdown Tickets Available
- 03/17 - 2nd & 5th Grades - OLSAT Testing (Please do not make morning appointments!)
- 03/20 - Softball Tryouts - Softball Try-out Registration OPEN
- 03/21 - Pom Tryout Clinic
- 03/22 - Pom Tryouts
- 03/25 - ACT 10th - 12th, 7th - 9th ONLY Distance Learning Day
- 03/25 - PeeWee Cheer Interest Meeting - 5:30 PM
- 03/28 - Beauty Review - 6:00 PM
- 04/05 - School ACT Offered
- 04/05 - Jr. Sr. Prom - BA Gym 8:00 - 11:00 PM, Presentation 8:15 PM
- 04/10 - 04/12 - 6th Grade St. Louis Trip
- 04/11 - Mu Alpha Theta & Honor Society Inductions - 8:15 AM
- 04/11 - Career Day
- 04/12 - Bayou Bash - Tennis Mixer & Golf Tournament
- 04/15 - Band Spring Concert - BA Gym - 5:00 PM
- 04/18 - K3 - 3rd Easter Egg Hunt - RSVP here
- 04/18 - 04/21 - Easter Break - NO SCHOOL
- 04/26 - Rock of Ages - 4th - 6th Grades - BPAC, 2:00 PM
- 04/28 - 05/01 - Elementary Iowa Testing K5 - 6th (Please do not make appointments this week)
- 05/02 - Elementary Sunfest K3 - 6th
- 05/04 - Baccalaureate, 2:00 PM
- 05/05 - Jr./Sr. Class Night - 6:00 PM
- 05/07 - Elementary Track Meet - 5th & 6th Grades
- 05/08 - BA Art Festival
- 05/09 - Spring Athletic Awards - 8:15 AM
- 05/09 - 7th - 11th Academic Awards - 10:00 AM
- 05/09 - Exams Begin (Full Day)
- 05/09 - Senior Graduation - 6:00 PM
- 05/12 - Exams & Early Dismissal (School-wide, K3 - 11th, Dismiss at 11:30 AM)
- 05/12 - Elementary Academic Awards - 8:30 AM
- 05/12 - 6th Grade Graduation - 6:30 PM
- 05/13 - K5 Graduation - 8:30 AM
- 05/19 - Make-up Exams ONLY
- 05/26 - 05/30 - DEAD WEEK #1
- If you are looking for upcoming athletic events, please see the Google Calendar on our EVENTS PAGE.
Want to see our entire event (Google) calendar? Click here! You can also click the "subscribe" button in the top right corner to add these events to your phone's calendar!
📢 Additional Announcements 📢
Order extra yearbooks here!
📢 Patrons League News & Events 📢
Purchase Sports Passes!
🎉 Elementary Student of the Week 🎉
The Elementary Student of the Week is sponsored by Papa John's Pizza in Cleveland, MS. Special thanks to Papa John's!
The Bayou Academy Students of the Week for March 3rd:
K3-K5: Johna McMahon
1st - 3rd: Case Carpenter
4th - 6th: Rafe Andrews
Congratulations to our Students of the Week!
#BeYOUatTheU #cometotheU #bayouelementary
🎉 Secondary Student of the Month 🎉
🎉 Employee of the Month 🎉
💙 Ways to Support Monetarily 💙
We have several ways you can give to Bayou Academy. Some of these are super simple and don't cost YOU a dime!
CLICK HERE for Kroger Community Rewards! (This does not affect your Kroger Rewards.)
You can give directly to the Bayou Academy Foundation by CLICKING HERE or mailing a donation to
P.O. Box 1044,
Cleveland, MS. 38732.
All monetary donations are 100% tax deductible.
🙏🏽 Verse of the Week 🙏🏽