🆕 Announcements 🆕
- Monday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Cookies with Santa
- K3 - 4th Grade
- 5PM - 7PM (Come & Go)
- CANCELLED Soccer @ Pillow Academy
- Open House
- K3 - 12th Grade
- Please invite any families who might be interested in joining our BA Family!
- Tuesday
- Secondary: WHITE
- School-wide Christmas Sing-along!
- 9:30AM in BA Gym
- You may wear your Christmas tops & accessories with uniform regulated bottoms.
- Band's Christmas Concert
- Beginning at 5:00 PM in BA Gym
- Wednesday
- Secondary: ALTERNATE SCHEDULE (Graphic Below)
- EXAMS - Electives
- Withdrawal Period for Current Students Begins for 25-26 school year
- Demographic Packets available to submit for 25-26 school year
- Baseball Christmas Camp (Day 1/2)
- 3PM - 5PM
- $60/child
- Thursday
- Secondary: EXAMS - English
- Early Dismissal
- Elementary - FULL DAY
- Baseball Christmas Camp (Day 2/2)
- 3PM - 5PM
- 5th Grade to Nursing Home & Assisted Living
- Departing BA at 9:45 AM
- Lunch at Lost Pizza
- Return to school by 2:15 PM
- Secondary: EXAMS - English
- Friday
- Secondary: EXAMS - Science
- Early Dismissal
- Elementary - FULL DAY
- K3 - K5 Christmas Program
- 8:30 AM in BA Gym
- 6th Grade LET'S GO Dahomey Wildlife Refuge
- Depart BA at 9:30 AM
- Elem. Christmas Parties
- 1:30 PM
- Basketball vs. Magnolia Heights
- 7th Girls
- Games begin at 3:00 PM
- Soccer @ Starkville Academy
- Varsity - 5:30 PM
- JV - Following
- Secondary: EXAMS - Science
- Saturday
- CANCELLED PeeWee Basketball @ Pillow Academy Tournament
- School ACT
- Basketball @ Rossville Academy
- Games begin at 1:00 PM
- Looking Ahead:
- 12/12 - 12/18 - Exams - Early Dismissal Days (English, Science, History, Math, Make-ups)
- 12/16 - Faculty/Staff Brunch - Begin at 10:00 AM
- 12/19 - 01/06 - Christmas Break - No School
- 01/06 - Teachers Return for PD
- 01/07 - 3rd 9 Weeks Begins - Students Return
- 01/10 - Day1 Preview Day for Incoming 7th Graders
- 01/10 - Distance Learning Day for 10th - 12th, FIRST PERIOD ONLY (Report at 10:10 AM)
- 01/12 - Withdrawal Period for '25-26 school year current families ENDS (students auto re-enrolled)
- 01/13 - New K4 - 12th Enrollment OPEN
- 01/20 - MLK Holiday - No School
- 01/23 - Men's Night @ Annex of B.C. Expo Center
- 01/25 - 7th - 9th Winter Semi Formal
- If you are looking for upcoming athletic events, please see the Google Calendar on our EVENTS PAGE.
Want to see our entire event (Google) calendar? Click here! You can also click the "subscribe" button in the top right corner to add these events to your phone's calendar!
📢 Additional Announcements 📢
📢 Patrons League News & Events 📢
Purchase Sports Passes!
🎉 Secondary Student of the Month 🎉
🎉 Employee of the Month 🎉
🎉 Elementary Broadcasting Announcements 🎉
🎉 Elementary Students of the Week 🎉
The Elementary Student of the Week is sponsored by Papa John's Pizza in Cleveland, MS. Special thanks to Papa John's!
The Bayou Academy Students of the Week for November 22nd:
K3-K5: GW Holloway
1st - 3rd: Maggie Earls
4th - 6th: Ayden Galabiz
💙 Ways to Support Monetarily 💙
We have several ways you can give to Bayou Academy. Some of these are super simple and don't cost YOU a dime!
CLICK HERE for Kroger Community Rewards! (This does not affect your Kroger Rewards.)
You can give directly to the Bayou Academy Foundation by CLICKING HERE or mailing a donation to
P.O. Box 1044,
Cleveland, MS. 38732.
All monetary donations are 100% tax deductible.