🆕 Announcements 🆕
- Monday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Senior Class Night + Awards
- 6:00pm in BA Gym
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Elementary: Flowers
- Secondary: 7th Grade Breakfast
- Tuesday
- Secondary: WHITE
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Elementary: Thank You Note
- Secondary: 8th Grade Lunch
- Powder Puff
- 6:00pm @ DSU Football Field
- Wednesday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Elementary: Draw a Picture
- Secondary: 9th Grade Breakfast
- PeeWee Track Meet
- 1:00pm @ BA Track
- $5 Gate Fee
- Thursday
- Secondary: WHITE
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Elementary: Give HUGS!
- Secondary: 10th Grade Lunch
- 100pt AR Lunch
- Elementary
- 11:00am
- Will travel from school to No Way Jose
- End of Year AR Party
- 1:30 - 2:30pm
- Elementary Only
- Sports Physicals
- BA Cafeteria
- Be here at 5:30 to begin vitals
- Be sure form is printed and SIGNED by a parent
- Band Banquet
- @ First United Methodist Church
- 6:00pm
- Friday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Elementary: Bring a (homemade or purchased) Happy!
- Secondary: 11th Grade Dessert
- Elementary Sunfest Day
- BA Track
- Last Day to Bring a Backpack for Foster Children
- Bring to Mrs. Pinkerton's Room
- Spring Sports Awards
- 8:15am
- Baseball, Tennis, Track, Golf
- 7th - 11th Academic Awards Ceremony
- 10:00am
- Senior Graduation Practice
- 11:30am
- Exams
- Electives + Dual Credit History (FULL DAY)
- Senior Graduation
- 6:00pm
- Looking Ahead:
- 5/13 - 1st - 5th Elementary Academic Awards - 8:30am @ BA Gym
- 5/13 - 6th Grade Graduation - 6:30pm @ BA Gym
- 5/13 - 5/17 - Early Dismissal (Schoolwide 10:30am dismissal time)
- 5/14 - 5/17 - Elementary Basketball Camp
- 5/14 - K5 Graduation - 8:15am @ BA Gym
- 5/18 - 5/19 - Last Days to turn in clothes, etc. for Pom Squad Fundraiser!
- 5/20 - 5/22 - Softball Camp (K5 - 5th)
- 5/20 - 5/23 - Football Camp (4th - 8th)
- 5/21 - Last Day for School Supply Kits - BAY067 (code)
- 5/24 - Physicals Deadline (All athletes must have a physical turned in by this date to practice)
- 6/3 - 6/6 - Blues Song Camp (1st - 3rd)
- 6/10 - 6/13 - Soccer Camp (1st - 6th)
- 6/17 - 6/19 - Baseball Camp (1st - 6th)
- 6/24 - 6/27 - Songwriting Basics Camp (4th - 6th)
- 7/1 - 7/5 - Dead Week (Offices Closed)
- 7/16 - ALL SPORTS MEDIA DAY (All sports will take group pics for Media Guide)
Want to see our entire event (Google) calendar? Click here! You can also click the "subscribe" button in the top right corner to add these events to your phone's calendar!
🎥 Elementary Broadcasting 🎥
📢 Patrons League News & Events 📢
🎉 Employee of the Month 🎉
🎉 Secondary Student of the Month 🎉
🎉 Elementary Students of the Week 🎉
The Elementary Student of the Week is sponsored by Papa John's Pizza in Cleveland, MS. Special thanks to Papa John's!
The Bayou Academy Students of the Week for
1st - 3rd:
4th - 6th:
Congratulations to our Students of the Week!
💙 Ways to Support Monetarily 💙
We have several ways you can give to Bayou Academy. Some of these are super simple and don't cost YOU a dime!
CLICK HERE for Kroger Community Rewards! (This does not affect your Kroger Rewards.)
You can give directly to the Bayou Academy Foundation by CLICKING HERE or mailing a donation to
P.O. Box 1044,
Cleveland, MS. 38732.
All monetary donations are 100% tax deductible.