🆕 Announcements 🆕
- Monday
- Secondary: WHITE
- Last Day for Daddy-Daughter Dance Tickets & T-shirts!
- K3 - 6th
- Venmo @BAAnnualStaff OR bring cash/check (payable: BA Annual Staff) in marked envelope by end of the day.
- T-shirt Order Form
- Money due TODAY! $20
- Baseball vs. Clarksdale High School
- 4:00pm - Varsity B Team
- 6:00pm - Varsity A Team
- Extra Yearbook Orders OPEN
- 1 book is already covered in your family's enrollment fee. Need extra?
- Fill out this form!
- EXTRA books are $65/ea. Venmo (BAAnnualStaff) with child's name in memo, cash/check in marked envelope with child's name on it!
- Deadline is March 7th!
- Tuesday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Scholastic Book Fair OPEN
- Create your student an e-wallet so they can shop on their own!
- Baseball @ Lee Academy
- 4:00pm - Varsity B Team
- 6:00pm - Varsity A Team
- Wednesday
- Secondary: WHITE
- Scholastic Book Fair
- In Library
- 1st - 3rd Grade Reading Fair
- Students do NOT need to bring their own tables! Setup will begin in the gym at 7:30am.
- Faculty Meeting (School-wide)
- 3:15pm
- Thursday
- Secondary: BLUE
- Scholastic Book Fair
- In Library
- "Life Comes at You Fast"
- 10th - 12th Speaker (See Flyer Below)
- 11:15pm - 12:15pm
- JH Baseball vs. Cleveland Junior High School
- Game at 5:00pm
- Game at 6:00pm
- Friday
- Secondary: WHITE
- Last Day to Turn in Teacher Recommendation Forms for Cheer Tryouts!
- Baseball @ Hartfield Academy
- 4:00pm - Varsity B Team
- 6:00pm - Varsity A Team
- Daddy-Daughter Dance
- K3 - 6th Grade
- 7:00pm
- Saturday
- JH Baseball @ Oxford Tournament
- Times TBA
- JH Baseball @ Oxford Tournament
- Looking Ahead
- 2/28 - Spring Blood Drive
- 3/4 - Annual Meeting - 6:30pm
- 3/7 - Winter Sports Awards (Cheer, Basketball, Pom, Boys' Soccer)
- 3/7 - 1/2 Day - 11:30am dismissal SCHOOL WIDE (Afterschool WILL be offered)
- 3/7 - Cheer Tryouts - Beginning at 1:00pm
- 3/7 - Last Day to Order EXTRA Yearbooks
- 3/8 - NO SCHOOL
- 3/21 - Beauty Review - 6:00pm
- 3/23 - Pom Squad Tryouts Sign up to tryout here!
- 3/24 - Softball Tryouts - 2:00pm
- 3/26 Spring ACT for 10th - 12th
- 3/26 - Distance Learning Day 7th - 9th ONLY
- 3/26 - OLSAT 2nd + 5th Grade (Please no appointments during the morning!)
Want to see our entire event (Google) calendar? Click here! You can also click the "subscribe" button in the top right corner to add these events to your phone's calendar!
🎥 Elementary Broadcasting 🎥
📢 Patrons League News & Events 📢
🎉 Employee of the Month 🎉
🎉 Secondary Student of the Month 🎉
🎉 Elementary Students of the Week 🎉

The Bayou Academy Students of the Week for February 12th are:

Congratulations to our Students of the Week! 

💙 Ways to Support Monetarily 💙
We have several ways you can give to Bayou Academy. Some of these are super simple and don't cost YOU a dime!
CLICK HERE for Kroger Community Rewards! (This does not affect your Kroger Rewards.)
You can give directly to the Bayou Academy Foundation by CLICKING HERE or mailing a donation to
P.O. Box 1044,
Cleveland, MS. 38732.
All monetary donations are 100% tax deductible.