Week of April 13th



  • *All athletic and extracurricular events are cancelled for this week.*
  • Weight room and athletic fields are closed.
  • Due to difficulties resulting from COVID-19, our baseball raffle has been moved to May 1st.  PLEASE get your tickets and money in to the office ASAP.  Please see message below about office hours.
  • The Colt Classic Golf Tournament is officially cancelled due to COVID-19.  We hope to be able to make this up soon!

Office & School

  • We are operating under limited office hours.  Please call the office before coming to the school to make sure someone is there.  If you need assistance, we recommend you e-mail [email protected] and someone will get back with you promptly.
  • We will be operating under Distance Learning Protocols through April 17th.  We will let you know of any changes to that date as soon as possible.  


  • Chapel is at 10am on Wednesday on a Zoom call.  Please get with your child's teacher to get the meeting ID and password.  Hope to see you there!
  • The summer day care program is for this school year's K3 – 5th grade students.  It is open for registration for our current students now and will open to the public on April 20th.  Please see the pdf document located in this week's announcement e-mail for more information.
  • 6th Grade PARENTS!  We need your help.  Just in case we are not able to take graduation pictures, we have a back up plan for the yearbook.  Boys:  Please dress in khakis and a button down shirt.  Blazer is optional. Girls:  Wear a dress (any color) and nice shoes.  You can look through previous yearbooks for examples. Please snap a photo of your child OUTSIDE in daylight.  This can be taken with your phones if that's all you have available.  Please take 2-3 and send them to [email protected] with your child's name as the subject.  We will only use these for the yearbook if our regularly scheduled photos aren't able to be taken due to COVID-19.  We need these by Friday, April 17th. Thank you!


  • Driver’s Ed is open to anyone that will be 14 years old or older by June 1st.  Please e-mail [email protected] with any questions.  Most questions can be answered on the pdf document located in this week's announcement e-mail.
  • Parents - we are trying to find things for our yearbook.  We are specifically looking for any Tennis photos that you may have taken at practices, etc. as well as Track photos.  Even just a photo of your child practicing will help out.  Any photos from ANY event that you think would be helpful, please e-mail to [email protected] as soon as possible.  We are going to need your help collecting these photos, so please be watching for photo requests in the next couple of weeks.  Thank you!


  • Students, if you are having issues with internet due to the storms over the weekend, please communicate with your teachers.  We understand this may impact your ability to Zoom call!


  • Looking Ahead
    • April 24th - Special Olympics
    • May 1st - Sunfest
    • May 4th - Spring Athletic Awards
    • May 4th - HS Academic Awards Night - 6:30pm
    • May 7th - K5 Graduation
    • May 8th - Senior Graduation
    • May 11th - 6th Grade Graduation
    • May 12th - Elementary Academic Awards 
Everything isn't listed above.  Want to see our entire event calendar?  Click here!  You can also click the "subscribe" button in the top right corner to add these events to your calendar!  An added bonus - you can now print a full calendar view! (Keep in mind if you print the calendar, any changes made will not be reflected onto your fridge. πŸ˜‰)

Bayou News

Bayou Academy is pleased to announce the hiring of Ms. Mollie Blair.  Coach Blair will be leading our Girls Basketball program and teaching in the science department.  Mollie graduated high school from Jackson Academy, where she had an outstanding academic and athletic career.  She continued her athletic and academic successes at Mississippi College, where she played basketball and earned a degree in science.  Mollie's most recent position was at Millsaps College as an assistant basketball coach.  We are excited to have Coach Mollie Blair join our Colt FAMILY. 🐴 We look forward to introducing Mollie to our faculty, families, and especially our basketball girls! πŸ’™πŸ€

Uniform Sale

uniform code

Patrons League


After much consideration, we have decided to cancel our raffle.  We do not want to be another burden to our businesses at this time.  To everyone who volunteered to participate, we are so thankful for you.  
If you have already turned in money, we will contact you on how we will return it to you.


All signups are currently suspended.  

Teacher of the Month

Our Teacher of the Month for January 2020 is Ms. Claire Marquis.  Ms. Claire has been at Bayou for many years!  She is always ready to chair a committee, start a new project, or bring new technology to the classrooms.  Her level of enthusiasm is unmatched!  We have all watched her with her new 3D printer like a kid at Christmas!  She is the first one in line to bring new technology to our kids, and we are so grateful to have her hard-working spirit on our team!  Ms. Claire, thank you for your dedication to our school, our students, and our technology.  We are so thankful for what you continually do for our us. We appreciate you and all you do! Congratulations! πŸŽ‰πŸ’™ One family. One heartbeat. One Bayou Academy. #WeAre1 #BAtotm

Verse of the Week

"He replied, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.'" 
- Luke 11:28 
bible verse